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I Tried Masseter Botox and Will Never Look Back

By newadmin / Published on Sunday, 19 May 2024 03:31 AM / No Comments / 49 views

If you’ve ever been told, “You won’t miss it, until it’s gone,” and rolled your eyes, then I hate to tell you but it is correct. Well, that was the case for me anyway, when it came to having masseter botox. This medical treatment was recommended by Dr. Neesha Patel, Clinical Director at Pure Periodontics, a periodontist, who specialises in gum and oral health, after a consultation with her regarding a severe case of gum disease. She recommended I look into masseter botox immediately, due to the damage I was doing to my teeth and gums by my nightly grinding. Over the years I have tried to avoid any form of botox, as I have spent the last decade or so advocating for being pro-aging and felt this was a contradiction to my beliefs. However after a lot of reassurance that this particular botox injection is in fact a medical treatment, with a very important and specific objective – to stop teeth grinding – and had nothing to do with your outward appearance, I was convinced.

As the treatment had a medical intention, I felt it was even more important to visit a medical professional who specialises in this area, to advise and administer exactly what was needed. I chose Dr Freya Bakko, a plastic surgery trainee with a specialist interest in facial aesthetics. I believe if you are considering injectables such as fillers or botox it is just as important to research the person you want to do the treatment as much as, if not more than, the outcome of the treatment. After an email conversation and reassurance that we could have the consultation without any obligation to continue with the treatment, I felt quite comfortable that I was in good hands.

Read on to find out how as an injectable virgin I coped with having masseter botox and how the results not only surprised me, but made me desperate to have it again.

Experts Featured in This article

Dr Freya Bakko A plastic surgery trainee with a specialist interest in facial aesthetics. Trained at the prestigious Harley Academy London.

Dr Neesha Patel Clinical Director at Pure Periodontics and a Consultant Periodontist at Kings College Hospital, London. She has worked both in general practice and hospital settings, including restorative dentistry and oral and maxillofacial surgery.

How Does Masseter Botox Work?

Although masseter botox may look like any other botox treatment it differs with the placement of the botulinon toxin injections in relation to cosmetic or anti-wrinkle botox, as it is placed directly into the masseter muscle. This rectangle muscle is between the jaw and face and allows us to chew and move our jaw. “The toxin is injected directly into the muscle,” Dr. Bakko says. “To ensure I get the correct placement I have the patient bite down hard and clench their jaw so that the masseter contracts, this allows me to feel, and often see, the outline of the muscle,” She tells PS UK.

Since the masseter is reasonably large, it is typical to inject at several points depending on the amount of Botox she has to use. For my particular treatment this was in four areas along the jaw and cheek which Dr Bakko marked on my face. In terms of the injection, it is administered with a very small needle so it is not painful, however I felt a slight discomfort in a couple of the injection spots, which lasted for a couple of seconds. It can take two weeks to see the full result and that the effects of masseter Botox typically wear off in three to four months.

What Are the Benefits of Masseter Botox?

As I mentioned before I had this treatment to stop my from grinding my teeth, particularly at night when I wasn’t aware I was doing it. I had previously tried a mouth guard and I really struggled to sleep with it and use it consistently. As I am looking to treat my gum disease and straighten my teeth, I was advised that both would be pretty pointless if I continued to wear down and irritate my gums with my constant grinding.

Although this is the most common reason to have this botox treatment, there are other benefits, such as facial slimming and relieving tension headaches. Although this doesn’t tend to be the reason people have the treatment, and Dr Bakko doesn’t advise it for these outcomes — rather it should be thought of as a positive coincidence.

My Masseter Botox Experience

In terms of the treatment, I found this to be very smooth and easy. It took less than 15 minutes from start to finish and the pain level was around a three. If you are squeamish about needles, then it’s best to look away and breathe through each injection. Each injection takes less than 10 seconds and apart from a bit of redness at the injection site for 15 minutes afterwards, you wouldn’t have been able to tell I had done something to my face.
During my consultation Dr Bakko wasn’t sure that I would see much difference in terms of facial slimming, however I think there was a subtle difference, which was a welcome consequence.

I have to admit I didn’t really notice a big difference at first, I did have a strange feeling that I could suddenly open my jaw wider than before but there was part of me that thought I was still grinding my teeth. I did mention this to Dr Bakko, who recommended I could come into the clinic for some top-ups to really prevent the muscle from working, but as the weeks went on the tension disappeared from my jaw and I forgot about it. I guess once the symptoms of teeth grinding had gone away it wasn’t on my mind and I took it for granted. That was until about eight weeks after my treatment, I woke up with a familiar feeling of grinding my teeth and an unfortunate pool of blood on my pillow from my gums. I hadn’t realised that this hadn’t happened for the last six weeks or so, which took me by surprise. It also dawned on me that I hadn’t even noticed I had stopped suffering from tension headaches and pain in my jaw, until I could feel it creeping back. It’s amazing how I didn’t miss it, but yet once it returned I couldn’t stop noticing it.

I’m now approaching nine weeks after the initial treatment and I feel desperate to have it again, and this time I won’t miss the top-up, which will hopefully make it last longer next time. I’m not sure if it will help my teeth and gums recover in the long term, but the tension relief is something I will never take for granted again. Oh, and the facial slimming. What can I say? Sometimes you gotta take the rough with the smooth.

How Much Does Masseter Botox Cost

Prices vary clinic to clinic. I went to see Dr Freya Bakko at her clinic in Urban Retreat City where prices start from £300 for this treatment, which is around the average cost.

Lauren Ezekiel is an associate editor at PS UK, where she writes about all things beauty and wellness. With a degree in journalism and 12 years’ experience as a beauty editor at a leading Sunday supplement, she is obsessed with skincare, hair and makeup, and is often found offering advice to innocent bystanders. Her work has been published in Grazia, OK, Health and Beauty, The Sun, ASDA, Dare and Metro.

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